Pet Communication

In the mutual, appreciative interaction between you and your animal, you have certainly had one or two experiences in which you could feel that you understood each other without words.

In animal communication I use our very original sense and establish a telepathic connection with your animal. It is not necessary for us to be in the same room; a picture of your animal friend is sufficient.

What can animal communication do?

During a preparatory conversation, I will discuss with you what topics or messages should be conveyed to your animal and what I can discuss with him.

This could be, for example, the following:

  • Upcoming changes in the human family, herd or pack 
  • Spatial changes due to an upcoming move 
  • Physical changes/diseases of the animal 
  • Changed behavior of the animal 
  • Accompaniment through the dying phases of the animal 
  • It is also possible to talk to a deceased animal.

Please note that animal communication does not replace a visit and examination by a veterinarian, animal health practitioner or osteopath and I cannot make any diagnoses.

For the animal talk itself, I need the following information in addition to the picture:

  • Name, age, gender, type of animal
  • Who does the animal live with?
  • Your questions for the animal
  • Your message to your animal

At the beginning of the conversation I always ask how the animal is doing and whether it has any urgent issues that we should discuss.

I will then lead the conversation in the direction of your questions and topics. The end of the conversation always involves asking the animal whether it has a message for its human or whether it would like to express a wish.

I generally work according to Penelope Smith's code of ethics and ensure that when conducting conversations, I ensure an appreciative, attentive interaction in which all conversation partners feel comfortable.

For the actual animal conversation, we arrange a date that suits everyone - none of those involved should be under stress or time pressure, the more relaxed the person, the more relaxed the animal is.

Would you like to have animal communication as a live version where you can be there up close and have the opportunity to ask questions? I would be happy to come to you and your animal on site or we can have the conversation via telephone/video. 

Would you prefer me to have the conversation with your animal alone and send you the corresponding audio afterwards? That is also possible!




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